Tag Archives: condoms

Who would have thought that a condom could cause so much trouble.

11 May

I went with a few friends tonight. I don’t really go out with this group, I usually just see them in random places, but they invited me out and I figured it would be fun since I like them all.


There’s a couple in the group. 

We were walking in to a restaurant when the guy pulls something out of his pocket and did not notice a condom falling out. I thought it was funny so I gave the condom to his girlfriend and kept walking. An hour later, the guy gets up and says he is going to go to the bathroom.

30 minutes pass and after he ignored countless phone calls, the waitress tells us that he had already paid the bill and left.


Apparently, the girl in the relationship always has condoms. She began wondering why he would have the need to carry his own condoms. She assumed he was using them for someone else.

This created a quiet fight between them and he decided to leave without telling anybody. He walked like 3 miles to his house, which isn’t too much, but at midnight, it might not be the smartest thing.


The girlfriend was super mad and we all left in separate cars to try and find him.

Somehow he made it home, but he won’t open the door for anyone.


I have never witnessed a boyfriend act so dramatic.

The fact that he paid what would have most likely been a $60 bill and leaving without letting anyone know is amazing.


I don’t think he was in the wrong to carry a condom. I can also get why she would get suspicious, but I understand that thats very paranoid. 




Sucks because everyone was having a good time when we left to look for him.